Bilingual Worship

Well...over the past few months I have started writing a few blog posts and I haven't finished a single one.
So, since I seem to be much better at posting updates on Facebook, I have decided to share some of my posts from Facebook on my blog as well. I will also (eventually) add more posts and content to my blog that are not posted on Facebook, but, for now, I'm going to start with sharing posts so that my blog gets updated more often.
*I will also try to post most things in English and Spanish to help challenge myself in my language abilities
I hope you enjoy reading!
Today I ran across this beautiful bilingual worship song from the Urbana missions conference back in December 2015 and I thought I would share it with all of you! (I'm actually somewhere in the audience of this video and this conference is where I first got connected to TEAM!)
Being bilingual and having studied Spanish for many years, I am always amazed by how God transcends language and culture. I love being able to worship the Lord in both of my languages and there is always something special about being able to change (somewhat) seamlessly between my heart/native language and another beautiful language that the Lord has give me such a strong passion for 

"May my whole life be like perfume at your feet"
Hoy encontré esta canción de alabanza bilingüe de la Urbana "conferencia de misión" en diciembre de 2015 (estoy en el público de este video y esta conferencia es donde yo estaba conectada con TEAM por la primera vez!)
Hoy encontré esta canción de alabanza bilingüe de la Urbana "conferencia de misión" en diciembre de 2015 (estoy en el público de este video y esta conferencia es donde yo estaba conectada con TEAM por la primera vez!)
Como una persona bilingüe y como alguien que ha estudiado el español por muchos años, siempre es un milagro ver como Dios puede transcender la cultura y los idiomas. Me encanto como yo puedo alabar a Dios en mis dos idiomas y me parece que siempre hay algo especial cuando puedo cambiar fácilmente entre mi lenguaje de corazón y mi otro idioma por lo cual Dios me ha dado una gran pasión 

"Que mi vida sea para ti como un perfumé a tus pies"
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